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Posting Conduct.
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Joined: 04 May 2004
Posts: 6130
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0.00 Silvarrr

PostPosted: Sun Dec 11, 2005 12:51 pm    Post subject:  Posting Conduct.  

Here's a bit of a code of conduct for posting here at LLD101. Make sure you read all of this thread before posting so that if your thread is locked, you'll know why.

Do your fair share of work: If you can't put 30 minutes of work into a proposed setup for a character that you want to make, how do you expect us to spoon feed you the best possible solution? You won't learn anything from us telling you what to do. Come up with a build including gear and skills and we'll critique it and point out how to make it better. Make a build proposition and we'll go from there. If you make a thread asking for a full guide without putting in any effort, your thread will be locked.

Use the Search feature: For those who don't know where to do their own research (in other words, don't know how to use a forum), I will direct you to a link which has proven its worth time and time again, as long as you keep the amount of search words you put in to a minimum:
Examples of shortening your search entries:
"vlld" instead of "level 9 sin"
"zealot" instead of "level 29 paladin"
The titles of the threads the search option brings up might not have the words you were looking for in the title itself. The words you search are more often then not included somewhere in the topic. The less words you use, the more accurate the results will be. So instead of just reading the titles, browse through the threads. The words you entered in the search query will be highlighted in orange when you look at the actual thread.

In addition to the Search feature, here are two useful links:

Posting: This section is for the discussion of lld (based on the lld101 rules) builds. Check the Official LLD101 Rules and vLLD101 Rules to find out the level restrictions. If you have a comment directed to only one forum member, use the private messaging system.

pri?vate ( P ) Pronunciation Key (prvt)

Secluded from the sight, presence, or intrusion of others: a private hideaway.
Designed or intended for one's exclusive use: a private room

mes?sage ( P ) Pronunciation Key (msj)

A usually short communication transmitted by words, signals, or other means from one person, station, or group to another.

If you make a post, then realize that you need to add something, use your button; do not create another post. As well, if you double-post, or don't like what you have posted, click the at the top right of the post to delete it.

Also, all price checks go in the appropriate trading forum. No exceptions.

Etiquette:If you are posting in someone's thread to help, don't be a jackass and say "omg you suck" or something of the sort without a valid reason. There have been instances in the past in which members replied to a topic with a simple "that won't work" and nothing else. It doesn't help anyone, and it's a waste of your time as well.

Don't attack anyone (ie: flaming); if you have a problem with another forum member, PM one of the administrators or moderators.

One last thing, it is easier for others to help (and read) if you attempt to type with proper:
1. punctuation
2. spelling
3. grammar
Typing in such a manner isn't necessary, but people who don't have to spend minutes attempting to read the block of text are more likely to help.


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