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 Forum index » LLD Trading Section » USWest Ladder
Trade Rules (Read Before Posting)
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Joined: 27 Aug 2004
Posts: 6579
9.68 Silvarrr

PostPosted: Mon Dec 31, 2007 11:35 pm    Post subject:  Trade Rules (Read Before Posting)  


If you are posting a screen shot, it must be cropped or your thread will be locked.

There is a limit to the number of unlocked trade threads you can have on the first page. The limit is 5 for USWest Ladder. If you want a Moderator to lock one of your trade threads, simply indicate so in your thread or PM a moderator with a link to said thread. Don't bump up your thread because you want it closed. Not complying with this rule will result in the locking of all of your trade threads on the first page. Threads locked due to not following a rule count towards the 5 thread limit. Threads locked due to complete trades or requested by users do not.

Illegal Items:
No dupes are allowed to be traded, asked for, or price checked here. Exceptions are high runes, sojs, and other similar items that can potentially spawn with better than microscopic mods.

Items like:
3/20/20s sc
3/20/5fhr sc
5res/20 life sc
5res/7MF sc
40/15ias jewel
40/15max jewel
40/10min jewel
15res/15ias jewel
15res/-15 requirements
15max/15ias jewel
15 max/15%resist all
100PD/20life sc
That is a list of some of the items not allowed to be traded here.

Do not try to hint that you want illegal currency, as the staff is not blind or slow. We will know what you are hinting at and your thread will be closed with an appropriate punishment given out. Hinting that you want to offer illegal currency is also prohibited.

No Poaching.


Person 1 posts the thread "ISO 15 Life SCs"
Person 2 replies to the thread saying that he has 15 Life SCs.
Person 3 replies to the thread saying that he is interested in Person 2's 15 Life SCs, and either makes an offer or leaves his account.

Person 3 is poaching. Don't do it. If you want something, make your own thread for it or PM the user you want to deal with. Don't go barging into other people's threads to try and steal their potential trades.

This is a LLD trade forum. You cannot trade high lvl stuff for high lvl stuff here. You must either be offering LLD stuff for LLD stuff, or offering LLD stuff for HLD stuff, or offering HLD stuff for LLD stuff. No mixing is allowed - one side of the trade must be entirely comprised of LLD stuff. "LLD stuff" is defined as anything with a level requirement of 30 or under. Organs and keys (hate, destruction and terror) are considered hld items on this site despite the fact that they have no level requirements.

If you are trading any type of forum currency (jsp fg, d2xp xp, cc-comp credits) it must be done in the Open Trades forum. Forum currencies are not considered "LLD stuff".

Trades involving real money are strictly prohibited on the LLD101 forums.

Trading Names:
Non-offensive names are allowed to be traded, but only for LLD items. Common sense is required when deciding what names are offensive and what names are not. If you are not sure, PM a moderator and they will tell you if the name is appropriate to trade. If you decide yourself it is not offensive, but it infact is, your thread will be locked or the name will be deleted from your list of names. When trading names, we suggest using a moderator to ensure a safe transfer. If you choose to not use a mod to help you trade names, you are trading at your own risk, and unless sufficient proof is given (screen shots proving without a doubt you were scammed), there will be no action taken against the person you accuse.

You must wait at least 24 hours between bumps in your trade threads. There's an edit button for a reason, use it when needed. If you bump your thread twice in any way, shape, or form in under 24 hours, it will be locked. The 24 hour bump rule means that if you were the last person to post in your thread, you may not post anything else in your thread for at least 24 hours. Also, if your latest post does not contribute to the thread (for example, just saying "bump") and is less than 24 hours after your last post in the thread (even if other people have posted in your trade thread), it is breaking the 24 hour bump rule and your thread will be locked. If you feel that the moderator that locked your thread is in the wrong, PM him asking why as it does not need to become a public affair.

-If you are caught stealth bumping your thread, you will be banned from the trade forum for a week. If you know what stealth bumping is, don't do it. If you don't know what it is, keep it that way.

Posts or threads that do not follow these rules are subject to editing or deleting/locking without warning (as this is all the warning we should need to give. If you didnt read the rules before one of your posts were locked, consider it your own fault. Creating a thread to whine and complain about how your other thread was locked, or about any other rule you broke or dont like will possibly get you banned. If you have an issue with a rule you broke (or one in general) and want to know why, or have a gripe you want heard, PM the appropriate moderator. If you dont know who the appropriate mod is, PM me.

If you have a question about why a particular thread was locked, remember to attach a link to the thread in question in the PM to the moderator.

Dao Jones wrote:
Just a helpful suggestion: since d2jsp uses forum gold as a trade medium, and we only allow FG to be traded in the Open section, I might suggest to you that if you intend to link to a trade on jsp or any other site, that you do so only in the Open section. Mods will follow any links in posts, and if they even hint at FG or any other outside trade currency (or other no-no items, such as HLD for HLD), the thread will be locked, and you will likely get a Ball (since you're basically breaking the rules).

If you are responding to a trade here with an off-site link, it is recommended you just paste the actual post here, rather than drop a link. Same reason as above, only in this case we'll move your link to the Evidence Locker, and you'll get a Ball (if there was a rules violation in the link).

Basically, it works like this: if you link to something off-site, it immediately falls under the rules governing trade here. So if you put a d2jsp link to something in ECNL, and someone in your d2jsp link offers you FG (or you ask for it), then you're boned.

Cross Game Trading:
If you wish to trade your Diablo 2 items for any game currency, the Diablo 2 items must fall under the category of "lld stuff" (as stated above).

Any questions, comments, concerns, or queries can be directed to me or any of the other LLD101 staff members.
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