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LLD101 Discipline System
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You're Doomed

Joined: 06 Feb 2004
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1.21 Silvarrr

PostPosted: Sat Jan 20, 2007 11:42 pm    Post subject:  LLD101 Discipline System  

You get 4 balls. Each ball has a specific tag.

Ball 1: This is a warning tag, when someone commits a first offense. This tag can be given out by any admin/assistant admin as they see fit. It will have a two week duration, at which point, pending good behavior, it will be removed.

Ball 2: If someone commits a second offense while under the Ball 1 tag period, they get elevated to a Ball 2 tag. They are banned from the forum group in which the offense occured for one week. (i.e. if you flame in alt gaming, you are banned from alt gaming and off-topic) After the one week, pending good behavior, they are reallowed back in the forums they were banned from, and their tag is reduced to Ball 1 for an additional 2 weeks after the removal of the Ball 2 tag. If they demonstrate perfect behavior within that two week time period, the Ball 1 tag will be removed.

Ball 3: If someone commits an offense while under the Ball 2 tag, they get elevated to a Ball 3 tag. They are banned from posting in all forums for one week, and their ability to PM is taken away. After the one week, they are given their posting and PMing privileges back, and their Ball 3 tag is changed to a Walking on Thin Ice tag. This tag stays on for four weeks, and pending good behavior, will be removed after those four weeks.

Once someone attains the status of Walking on Thin Ice, and they serve their four weeks with good behavior and get their tag removed, every offense that occurs after that will result in an automatic jump to a Ball 2 tag. This effectually penalizes repeat offenders more harshly than new offenders, as should be the case.

Ball 4: If while on the Walking on Thin Ice tag another offense is committed, this will result in an automatic ban from the forums. No questions asked. Just like in baseball, you draw a walk with your 4th ball. Except in this case, you don't just stop at first base.

As you can see, this is a stricter set of disciplinary rules than what we are all used to. And we do mean business here. If you choose to not familiarize yourself with this policy, you run your own risk of paying the price. I am appointing several new assistant administrators to help me out with the overall enforcement of this system, and we will stay on top of it in order to make this site a more peaceful and organized one.

All of this is subject to change, and is still in the creation process.

Vahn wrote:
For others claiming that lld is strictly levels 9-30, they are just simple-minded kids following what they have heard these recent years.

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