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PostPosted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 9:51 pm    Post subject:

breakbeatz2 wrote:
I was just pointing out how moderators on this site will break their own rules when they get raged.

Just like police break the speed limits to catch other people speeding and/or breaking the law?

oleo79 wrote:
Why do some people get balls/tagged for something with no warning, but others do not get anything but a warning/thread lock, for the exact same thing?

Dao Jones wrote:
Lastly, the individual in question factors into my decisions.

The moding definately is subjective, but it should be that way. Like the time I got Ball 1 for forgetting about the "no hld for hld" trade rule and did just that. I let krajee know I it had just skipped my mind, and that I should've remembered. He agreed I should've known better, and let me keep my punishment. I don't doubt that he might've handled it differently for another member, but that's his choice. If I had just joined, perhaps he'd have just locked the thread. Then again, he might've given me a ball anyhow to make sure I payed more attention to the rules from then on. It's his decision, and it's ok with me.

What's the point of setting up a discipline system if you just ignore it whenever you want to?

Since they [mods] created it, isn't it open to their interpretation, not ours?
Meegz ?
PostPosted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 9:13 pm    Post subject:

@ Roy: I understand what you are saying but I was trying to use it as an example for something that has seemed ongoing, and that was the most recent thing that came to mind.

@ Dao: I'm glad you admit to being so biased towards one person you will ban them if they 'flame' you while you can sit back and flame them all you want.
PostPosted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 8:53 pm    Post subject:

krajee wrote:
Imp wrote:
I don't like getting Ball 1 for my dumb brother Crying or Very sad , oh well, two weeks and its gone...
Oh? I see it as "Imp got a ball 1 for being dumb".

W/e, meany.
Dao Jones
PostPosted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 8:41 pm    Post subject:

breakbeatz2 wrote:

I'm not even trying to make this personal.

I was just pointing out how moderators on this site will break their own rules when they get raged.

Rolling Eyes

Anyway, do you really think it's coincidence that nearly every top player from East NL got banned?

Do you really think it just so happens that every bad seed on LLD101 decided to play on East NL?

Many bannings are clearly for personal reasons.

I'm not really sure what you're implying here. Are you saying that... we're intentionally banning East NL's "top" players? Why... would we do that? Or are you implying something else?
PostPosted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 7:45 pm    Post subject:

Imp wrote:
I don't like getting Ball 1 for my dumb brother Crying or Very sad , oh well, two weeks and its gone...
Oh? I see it as "Imp got a ball 1 for being dumb".
PostPosted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 7:44 pm    Post subject:

breakbeatz2 wrote:

Do you really think it just so happens that every bad seed on LLD101 decided to play on East NL?

Coming from a West NL player, our bad seeds just don't join the forum, or don't post frequently. We're dumb like that Rolling Eyes .

I don't like getting Ball 1 for my dumb brother Crying or Very sad , oh well, two weeks and its gone...
PostPosted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 6:48 pm    Post subject:

If anyone thinks that a staff member is being unfair, just remember this - I never ignore private messages.
PostPosted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 6:39 pm    Post subject:

However, unlike our legal system this is a private enterprise, which means there is no appeals court for you. Oh well. Start your own LLD website.

I'm not even trying to make this personal.

I was just pointing out how moderators on this site will break their own rules when they get raged.

Anyway, do you really think it's coincidence that nearly every top player from East NL got banned?

Do you really think it just so happens that every bad seed on LLD101 decided to play on East NL?

Many bannings are clearly for personal reasons.
PostPosted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 6:31 pm    Post subject:

Meegz wrote:
My best example would have to be Roy's 20 maxed plate...he could have said the same thing to him, but it would have gotten him banned immediately. But the only problem with that is 'it wasnt a flame' as you put it.

Here's the thing though: krajee already warned Break and myself that any public back-and-forth between the two of us would result in banning. I'm not involved in this thread, and there's absolutely no reason to bring this up in the context of "the fairness of the discipline system."

I've never received any balls and I serve on the Moderating staff here. Regardless, I was told that if I say anything to Breakbeatz, I would be banned. And you know what? I respect that decision. It's the Admins' (difficult and thankless) job to make decisions that benefit this site.

I don't need to complain about how unfair it is that I never received any balls, while other repeat offenders have gotten multiple chances to break the rules. I accept it and adjust my conduct accordingly. Everyone should do the same.
Dao Jones
PostPosted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 6:08 pm    Post subject:

Meegz ? wrote:
put a muzzle on a barking dog.

And there you have it. Who do I keep on my short list? Is it every member of this site that has ever said something negative about me? No. Is it every member of this site that has ever earned a ball? No. Is it every member of this site that has ever disagreed with me? No. Is it a specific cadre of idiots who pretty much come here and just cause trouble, flaming other users, picking fights with the staff, and generally having nothing but negativity to say about LLD101? Yes.

That's who I keep on my short list. Everyone isn't equal, Meegz. That's just the way of it. Breakbeatz has managed to annoy not one, not two, but THREE of the admins on here (Knarl being the other one). Not to mention several of the mods. What do you think this says about him? Do you think the totality of his trouble is visible to you? Do you know how many of his threads end up in our evidence locker? How many annoying pm's he sends to the staff every time he doesn't get his way?

Fact is, there are too many users who think they know the story, and they don't know the story. You may see what you see, and judge me/us however you want. But just know that you do so from a position of ignorance, which is to say that you are not in possession of all the facts.

And that's pretty much all there is to say about that.

breakbeatz2 wrote:

What's the point of setting up a discipline system if you just ignore it whenever you want to?

Again, I might counsel you to educate yourself on the American justice system. There is what's known "discretionary power" that judges can take in applying the law. Sentences are regularly reduced or increased depending on a number of factors. However, unlike our legal system this is a private enterprise, which means there is no appeals court for you. Oh well. Start your own LLD website.
PostPosted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 5:12 pm    Post subject:

Thanks for another flame!

What's the point of setting up a discipline system if you just ignore it whenever you want to?
Meegz ?
PostPosted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 5:08 pm    Post subject:

Dao, I like you. But as just a member of the site, not a mod, I can be almost 100% sure in saying that if it had been Break saying "Cheers mate! Now go back to duping LLD jewels and muling them so you can, uh... "look at them" or whatever the hell it is you do in your free time. " Then he would have gotten tagged or banned or w/e. My best example would have to be Roy's 20 maxed plate...he could have said the same thing to him, but it would have gotten him banned immediately. But the only problem with that is 'it wasnt a flame' as you put it.

From what I have seen, if the roles were reversed, Break would have been balltagged for that statement. Simply because (most of) the mods/admins dont like him.

Nearly every post you make directed towards Break is inflamatory, Dao. How the hell is anyone supposed to put up with that from an admin of a site that Break obviously has dedicated a good portion of his time to? All you have done by telling Break he will get insta-banned should be ever receive another balltag is put a muzzle on a barking dog. And once you've guaranteed your 'safety' in him not being able to respond in the same fashion you talk to him, you jibe and poke at him every fucking chance you get.

Thats how I see it, and from my point of view, its bullshit.
PostPosted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 4:31 pm    Post subject:

I don't recall ever being unfair to anyone so far.
Dao Jones
PostPosted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 4:07 pm    Post subject:

breakbeatz2 wrote:

I do have respect for the rules. You had no respect for the rules when you chose not to follow the discipline system of this site.

If you think "playing the system" is "having respect for the rules", then there's really no hope for you in this world.

Dao wrote:
Cheers mate! Now go back to duping LLD jewels and muling them so you can, uh... "look at them" or whatever the hell it is you do in your free time.

Thanks for the flame!

Please point out exactly what about that sentence was a flame toward you? I see a parting phrase ("Cheers mate"), and a statement of fact (" Now go back to duping LLD jewels and muling them so you can, uh... "look at them"). How exactly did I flame you? Was it when I said goodbye? Or was it when I correctly stated that you dupe LLD jewels (which you do), mule them (which you do), then "look at them" (which you do)? Or was my flame the "or whatever the hell it is you do in your free time" part of the sentence? Because that's not really a "flame"... it's sort of just an assertion that I neither know, nor ever care to know how you fill the free hours of your day. I could make a few conjectures, but those would most definitely end up qualifying as flames. Wink

Anyway, thanks for stopping by, Emily Post. Please respond again so we can next learn which fork is best for eating salad with!
PostPosted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 1:52 pm    Post subject:

Dao wrote:
People like you that have no respect for the rules, however, find that the rules no longer apply to them.

I do have respect for the rules. You had no respect for the rules when you chose not to follow the discipline system of this site.

I flamed, and I was willing to receive my punishment. You decided to break the rules and give me an extra ball because you were raged.

Dao wrote:
Cheers mate! Now go back to duping LLD jewels and muling them so you can, uh... "look at them" or whatever the hell it is you do in your free time.

Thanks for the flame! I wonder how many times you would have been banned if you weren't a mod.
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